Today at 11 AM mountain time, we will be celebrating Jacob's life at First Christian Church in Wheatland WY with a reception to follow at Impact Ministries.

For those flying in, you will want to fly into Denver (2.5 hours away) or Casper, WY (1.5 hours away) and drive the remainder of the way. This also happens to be outage season for the local power plant, so accommodations can be somewhat limited. The church only seats 200 people so for that reason we will be LIVE streaming the event right here in this group.
For those attending in person, we ask you refrain from wearing black and instead wear color.
💛 Bonus points for wearing your color. 

Not sure what color you are? Find out here:
Here are six of Sarah and Jacob's children when they visited last year:
Please be praying for Sarah and these precious children today. Have a glorious day.