Mr. Skellie came into the kitchen and between the 2 of us, it finally resembled pie crust.
Filled it with pumpkin pie filling, and baked it until it was done.
After it was cool, it was time to taste test it. My pie crust recipe is easy to cut, so I was surprised when I had to cut and chop it to free the first piece.
I didn't have the same luck with the second piece.
The crust had good flavor, but it was crunchy and fell apart easy. I think I'll go back to rolling out my pie dough, I like a more tender crust. However, I still ate it....;) Today, I finally found myself in my shop staring down all these butterflies.
I guess I really should stick them on the wall over the curtain, they have been waiting for quite some time now. They came with little stickers that I stuck on each one.
I started putting them up, and began having fun doing it.
So here they are, a Kaleidoscope of butterflies!
Have a great day!