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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Frosted Windows...

Woke up to frost this morning! It had gone down to 63 in the house so had to break down and put some heat on. So we are up to a toasty 66 inside now and I am enjoying my hot cup of chocolate mocha coffee! Yum! Since I had to do grocery shopping yesterday and we also had company, I didn't get a whole lot done on the restaurant. But generally, this hobby isn't about racing to the finish line but enjoying the journey. All the wallpaper was cut and fitted and pasted in place and I started trimming out the windows. La la la, says to self "these are coming out nice..." Then realization hits....what's missing from this picture..the window glass!!
So I tore off all the trim that I had painstakingly cut from striped wallpaper to start again. Well, I found out one thing, Elmer's white glue really holds well! LOL! Also, now that the wallpaper is all stuck on, I'll have to cut the window "glass" into separate pieces as it was designed to go on as one large sheet.
Cut the glass just slightly larger than the window openings and glued them in place.
Then is was back to doing trim work again. I didn't get much done, but sure spent alot of time! LOL!
The roof is something else I've been thinking about.  Since I reduced the length of the building, I have extra roof. I was just going to cut it off, when I realized that Outback Steakhouses have an overhang in the front.
I have quite a bit of tiny stripwood so will have to work up a design for the entrance. Of course, you know what that I have to take the sign off the front of the building, and touch up the paint, and.......have a great day!

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