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Monday, September 14, 2015

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Holy Smokes! I haven't been on here in awhile!  Since it is getting close to fall, we have started cleaning out the gardens.  The gladiolas kinda went crazy this year, so Dear Hubby dug them all up and we separated and dried them to replant next spring.  
This was no small feat as the soil here is very rocky.  He had to use a small pickax to get them out of the ground! But they are safely ensconced in the shop.  

We also drove down to Savannah to surprise the grandchildren and had great fun with them splashing in the pool and totally wearing out this Meme and Pepe! LOL!  On the way home, we saw some cool cars stopped at a gas station and got a few pics.

So! Back to minis!  The display shelf for the minion houses is ready for a nice oil finish and I chose a simple 1/4 scale house for the banana farmer.  

Here he is with his first banana plant.  As you can see, he is very proud of his first plant and is looking forward to supplying the banana needs of his fellow minions.  
I'm going to be visiting my mom this week, so will be on the lookout for something to use for the siding and some fake banana leaves for the roof.  I think I will go with a bead curtain in the doorway as I think he is a little bit of a crunchy hippie type.  Who knows what he grows behind those banana plants......Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Love your new Minion housing development. Will there be a condo complex management team amongst them?
    Also love the bike trailer picture. That is so cool. What a lot of work went into creating that unique piece. Thanks for sharing it. - S
