Laundry Day and......Texans?
Laundry day sure seems to come around too quick....but if we all quit washing clothes, the world would be a little difficult for those of a delicate persuation...LOL! My husband and I went to Ben Franklin the other day and I found some small cowboy hats. Of course one had to come home with me and I tried it on our lovable Doc:
They didn't like how it kept flying off when they were going around on their dirt bike. So I thought the little hat would have to just sit on the shelf for now. However, I was having my breakfast listening to my machines chug through the laundry minding my own business when I heard....."Hey podner, I'm callin' you out!" Say what? I turned and the steampunk robot moseyed into the kitchen with the hat!
I smiled to myself and thought, "He really needs to work on his cowboy stance!" I know Rose had to be in on this too as he is a clockwork and he needed someone to wind him up. He's insisting I call him "Tex" and wants me to pick up some six shooters next time I'm out....seriously? He ambled back to the shop and hollered over his shoulder that a horse would be nice too if I was so inclined. You just never know around here! LOL! I can just see having horses in the shop...I say horses plural because you know the skellies are going to want them too and I can just imagine the chaos when the dirt bike with the minions starts zipping around the shop with skellies and "Tex" riding after them at full speed trying to lasso them! Maybe this too shall pass...I can hope can't I? LOL!
I did get a couple of small projects done over the weekend. I was looking at my Glencroft dollhouse and noticed the little hanging pot of pansies that a friend gave me years ago. Rose is always trying to put little feminine touches in with all the steampunk, so I knew she would like it. Trying to get an eye hook in the plywood ceiling of the porch was no simple task, but it was accomplished. I'm glad I waited to put the trim on the edge of the porch roof as that would have made the job even more interesting! LOL! Once the pot was in place, I put up the trim and held it in place with my clothespin clamps and stepped back to have a look.
Rose heard me banging around on the porch and came out to see if I needed her to hold the ladder for me. She was really tickled with the flowers and I got a hug of thanks.
I can't believe that I am so close to doing the electrical! I am excited but hesitant as I have never electrified a dollhouse before.....or a summerhouse either...<);^) Enjoy the summer days as we start heading into fall. Have a great day all!
Horses are great for learning balance and they have super healing powers. Of course, don't tell that to the skellies (the healing part or they'll try to come back to life). On the other hand they are quite costly so you might suggest to "Tex" that he get a job to pay for them. That might slow the process down a bit. - S