Tuesday, June 2, 2020

All in a Day's Work...

The days have been absolutely gorgeous here so I have been spending time cleaning up the motorhome and working on my little garden outside. I did buckle down and do some work on our projects so here is what has been happening. The first thing was a second coat on the frame for Mr. Skellie's big screen TV.
This had been going well until Mr. Skellie had another request...now he wants a recliner. So what does any self respecting friend of a miniature skeleton do but get on Ebay and find a recliner! This one is a Fisher-Price and actually reclines.
Unfortunately, it only came in pink, so I did hear about that for awhile until I promised to paint it a more manly color...if you're wondering why he has his arm up, he was asking, "Where is the remote?!" So guess that will be yet another project. After the second coat was dry, I glued in the screen and Mr. Skellie wanted a picture to see how it would look with his new recliner.
I asked if I could work on the summerhouse and he gave me his permission...as long as I start looking around for a house for him soon...my life is being run by a six inch plastic skeleton! I was thinking about how to keep the steampunk furniture stable in the summerhouse while it is going along. Since I belong to a Facebook group about RV's, I heard about a product called Earthquake Putty. Sounded like something I could use, but wondered if it would tear the paper flooring when it was removed. I thought it would be a good idea to put a couple of clear coats on the flooring to prevent that from happening. I have a can of water based finish I found in the garage
so put a first coat on to start with.
Then I had another thought...whew, all these thoughts mean more work! LOL! The brick on the outside of the summerhouse is also paper...what if I put a coat on it too to protect the paper from dirt and wear. I decide to coat one wall and see how it looked. There is a very subtle difference in the color and very little shine so I think I will do the whole thing! Here is a before and after:

Since I have the windows open today, I will finish that up and then start the inside wallpapers. Stay safe out there and pray for each other as we deal with all the craziness 2020 has brought so far...thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love that recliner! Hopefully it will be easy for you to change the colour. Wouldn't want Skellie to get too upset! I really like the style of your cottage. I'll be interested in seeing the progress. Have fun! - Marilyn D.

  2. Estás mimando mucho a Skellie! ahora un fantástico sillón reclinable,que además le tendrás que cambiar el tono porque al señor no le gusta...y quiere un mando remoto para su tv...y también una casa! No dejará nunca de pedir,realmente te esclaviza! jajajaja!!!!

  3. The pink recliner is a HOOT and Mr. Skellie should now be able to rest his bones and fall asleep in front of the screen with ease!
    Also like the look of the polycrylic on the various surfaces.

  4. I'm going to have to paint it with some kind of textured paint as his butt keeps sliding down! LOL!
