Friday, April 14, 2017

The Pastor came by.....

I had just come home from Lowe's where I got a special deal. If you like Boston ferns, Lowe's has them on sale for Easter weekend 2 for $10 instead of 11.98 each. I grabbed 5 of them for my front porch.
I've done flowers in the past, but they can't seem to take the summer heat, so as they say, "When in Rome......" all the locals have ferns on their porches, so I guess they do pretty well. When I came in from hanging them up, I heard very small voices singing in my shop. It was the minion choir.
When I went in, the Pastor motioned for them to take a break and he said he wanted to talk to me.
Uh, oh. He commended me on cleaning up my shop
and even shared a poem with me,
but.....he was concerned about the sorry state of the minion church.
He was disappointed that the church wouldn't be done in time for Easter. He asked how I had been spending my time. He understood the time with grandchildren, but pointed out that I had had quite a few weeks to finish since I had come back from the bicycle trip back in September. I explained that I had lost my groove and that when my sister-in-law talked about wanting a tea shop and then I wanted to add a quilt shop to it too that I was inspired once again.
I promised that the church would be the next thing on the list and he was content with that so guess I skated by this time! ;) (I guess the fairy village will have to wait.....)  Oh, I almost forgot to show you the nice notes the kids wrote to Bill before they left.
He had to leave for work early on Monday, so didn't get to say good-bye. He read them all and wants to leave them on the fridge for awhile so he can see them every day. Happy Easter everyone and have a great day.


  1. Happy Easter, Debra! The shop looks so organized and like a happy place to be. Looking forward to more mini progress!

    1. Thanks Jodi! Hope you had a nice Easter too. Can't wait to get back into the shop. The Quilt Shop is calling me!

  2. Whew! That was a close call with the Pastor. Good save on your part. Appreciate the poem. Timely for me. Precious notes. Must have brought joy to a Grandpa's heart. Looking forward to seeing more of your projects. - S

    1. Projects will soon be coming! I have to peek in to see if the Pastor is looking everytime I want to go into the shop. Minions are so demanding....
